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Growing a Gilded Rose, Part 3: When Worlds Collide


This is part three-of-four in the series, Growing a Gilded Rose. Over the course of these four blog posts, I hope to demonstrate incrementally improving a legacy code base which has thorny requirements, while also presenting a few different software development tools or concepts. The full series is as follows:

  1. Make it Testable
  2. Next Year's Model
  3. When Worlds Collide (this post)
  4. A New Requirement Appears

Bonus Content

  1. F# All the Things!
  2. Meh... C# Can Do That, Too

Solution Evolution


Welcome back! We're continuing to tackle the Gilded Rose Kata. We've made great strides thus far. Most recently, we codified the various business rules into a lean and safe domain model. The code, as it stands at the end of the previous post, is available in the companion repository, in a branch called 2_model-fs.

Now, since we've become rather comfortable with the domain, we're going to rework our legacy program to make use of our new model. This presents a few interesting challenges, as the model is written in F#, while the program's source code is C#. Combining the two isn't so difficult. But it does require some care. Also, after we've made all our changes, we'll introduce an oracular test, as a way to make sure everything is still behaving properly.

Polishing the F# Model

C# and F#, like all .NET languages, compile to a common byte code (rather than machine-specific native code). This means that a compiled artifact -- called an assembly -- can be referenced by one language despite the assembly being written in a different language. Unfortunately, byte-code compatibility is not sufficient for an overall positive experience. C# and F# have distinct cultures, differing histories, and each provides affordances the other lacks. This is especially visible when an F# library is consumed from a C# code base. So, we'll need to augment our inventory model, making integration much smoother.

First, we'll apply a small quality-of-life hack to the updateItem function. F# recommends camel cased naming for module-level functions. These appear as static methods in C#. Unfortunately, the long-established convention in C# is to use Pascal casing for static methods. Fortunately, F# provides the CompiledNameAttribute. This curious bit of metadata causes our function to have one name when used in F# code -- but a different name when consumed from other languages. Here, we simply use it to change the casing. But it's worth noting: we could have just as easily supplied an entirely different name (e.g. UpdateQuality or Do_It_Now).

/// Change the quality and "shelf life" for an Item
/// (i.e. apply appropriate rules for the passage of a single "business day").
val updateItem : item : Item -> Item

The other major enhancement we'll make for compatibility's sake is to provide a helper method for getting constituent data out of an Inventory.Item. We want to deliver this data in a way the legacy code can easily use -- particularly in conjunction with the GildedRose.Item class.

So our model library now has a file called Compat.fs, into which we've placed a single extension method, so as to keep the core model implementation as uncluttered as possible. The helper, in its entirety, is as follows:

type ItemExtensions =
  /// Decomposes Inventory.Item into a triple (name, quality, and sellIn)
  /// whose values have been normalized for consumption from C#
  /// (n.b. for legendary items, sellIn is always zero).
  static member Deconstruct
      item : Item,
      name : outref<string>,
      quality : outref<byte>,
      sellIn : outref<int>
    match item with
    | Legendary (name', quality') ->
        name    <- name'
        quality <- byte quality'
        sellIn  <- 0
    | BackstagePass (name', quality', sellIn')
    | Appreciating  (name', quality', sellIn')
    | Depreciating  (name', quality', sellIn') ->
        name    <- name'
        quality <- byte quality'
        sellIn  <- int sellIn'

Effectively, we pattern match on each variant of the Inventory.Item. Regardless of the case being matched, we extract the underlying data and return it to the caller via output parameters. Doing so, in conjunction with giving the extension method the very deliberate name Deconstruct, permits callers to use a feature known as deconstructors (assuming a recent-enough version of C#). A call site which invokes this might look like the following:

Inventory.Item updated = Inventory.UpdateItem(original);
var (name, quality, sellIn) = updated;

Behind the scenes, the compiler translates the second line into, roughly, the following (“old-school”) code:

string name;
byte quality;
int sellIn;
InventoryExtensions.Deconstruct(updated, out name, out quality, out sellIn);

If, for some reason, the model needs to be used from an older version of C#, then everything still works quite well, albeit with less “syntactic sugar”. In any event, we are now ready to modify the legacy program such that it consumes the inventory model.

Refactor the C# Program

After making sure to add an F# project reference to the C# console application, we need to deal with the following aspects of integration:

  1. Preserving the original UpdateQuality method (we'll need this for testing).
  2. Mapping between the name-driven legacy items and the type-driven model items.

Handling the first is easy enough. In fact, the original description we received even hints at part of the changes needed:

you can make the UpdateQuality method... static if you like...

Making the method static greatly simplifies testing. However, we'll go further and also relocate the method to its own file, Program.Legacy.cs.

namespace GildedRose
    public partial class Program
        //NOTE When we finally discard this function, several tests need to be changed.
        public static void UpdateQuality(IList<Item>? items)
            // ... implementation unchanged ...

Note that the method remains part of the Program class, thanks to C#'s partial class feature, which lets one type span multiple source files. However, the body of the method is completely unchanged. Isolating the method in this way isn't technically necessary. But it reduces the clutter in the main program file, while serving to highlight the method's significance.

Next, we have to tackle going from simple strings to Inventory.Item variants. There's no way to avoid doing some string matching. But we can make things a bit better by sticking to some pre-defined constants (rather than repeating the same literals all over the place). In fact, we already did this work -- as part of the random data generation in our test suite. However, it seems sensible to relocate this logic into our main program now. We'll create a static class, which contains one constant for each inventory item name, as follows:

/// <summary>
/// Since an item's "kind" (and thus, its behavior) might sometimes be
/// determined by its name, it's useful to have some well-known names.
/// </summary>
public static class KnownItems
    // Depreciating items
    public const string Dex5Vest = "+5 Dexterity Vest";
    public const string Mongoose = "Elixir of the Mongoose";
    public const string ManaCake = "Conjured Mana Cake";

    // Appreciating items
    public const string AgedBrie = "Aged Brie";

    // Backstage Passes
    public const string StageTix = "Backstage passes to a TAFKAL80ETC concert";

    // Legendary items
    public const string Sulfuras = "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros";

With this in place, we can define a helper method which turns a GildedRose.Item into an Inventory.Item, using the previously defined constant strings in order to determine which variant of the model item is constructed.

static StockItem Evolve(Item item)
    var quality = Quality.Of((byte) item.Quality);

    return item.Name switch
        KnownItems.Sulfuras and var name =>
            StockItem.NewLegendary(name, default),

        KnownItems.StageTix and var name =>
            StockItem.NewBackstagePass(name, quality, item.SellIn),

        KnownItems.AgedBrie and var name =>
            StockItem.NewAppreciating(name, quality, item.SellIn),

        /* depreciating */ var name =>
            StockItem.NewDepreciating(name, quality, item.SellIn)

This utility method contains a number of interesting details. First, what is StockItem? It's simply an alias for Inventory.Item. Next, in the body of the helper, we begin by creating an instance of Quality on line 3, based on the value of the legacy item. Then we return the result of a switch expression, wherein we match an item's name against several special values (lines 7, 10, and 13). If none of the special values matched, we must (by process of elimination) have a Depreciating item (line 16). It is important to note: this logic only works because three of the fours item kinds correspond to a single “known item”. If we had, for example, several Legendary items, we'd need a more complex set of checks. Regardless, in all of our switch arms, the legacy item's name is bound to a local variable (name) as a convenience. Once a legacy item's name is successfully matched (or we hit the “catch all” arm), the appropriate construction function gets invoked. But where are these constructors defined? It turns out, for any discriminated union case which carries data (i.e. has fields), the F# compiler will automatically generate a C#-visible static method. There's no special validation logic in the generated constructor. But in this case, we don't need any, because we delegated any needed processing to the Quality type, or the updateItem function.

Now, the Evolve method can be combined with the model's updateItem function, and a simple foreach loop, to provide the same behavior as the legacy implementation (UpdateQuality). We package all of this up into a method on the Program class as follows (comments added solely for this blog post):

public static void UpdateItems(IList<Item>? items)
    if (items is null) return;

    foreach (var item in items)
        var evolved = Evolve(item); // ⮜⮜⮜ from legacy item to model item
        var (_, quality, sellIn) = UpdateItem(evolved);
        // ⮝⮝⮝ leveraging the Deconstruct utility mentioned previously
        item.Quality = quality; // ⮜⮜⮜ copy new value to program state
        item.SellIn = sellIn;   // ⮜⮜⮜ copy new value to program state

    static StockItem Evolve(Item item)
        ... implementation elided ...

This method reveals another aspect of the Evolve helper. It is defined as a static local function, since no other code paths should traffic with it. Also, we see (on line 8) the compatibility enhancements we made to the model. Meanwhile lines 10 and 11 demonstrate:

Finally, having done all this other work, we can modify our program's entry point to use the model. Briefly, recall we had this:

public static void Main()
    // ... other code elided ...
    // ... other code elided ...

We can now change it to call UpdateItems like so:

public static void Main()
    // ... other code elided ...
    // ... other code elided ...

At this point, if we run the program, we should not observe any changes in behavior. However, we can push that a bit further by creating an oracular test.

Consult the Oracle

Conceptually, the notion of a test oracle is rather simple. You take some input and process it with both a known good program and a new different program under test. If the output of both programs is the same, then you can be comfortable in replacing the old with the new. This is actually very similar (at least at an highly abstract level) to the approval testing we mentioned at the start of the blog series. However, where approval tests focus on specific output, oracular tests are generally conducted in terms of any output. This actually pairs rather well with property-based testing. Generically, any property-based use of a “test oracle” follows the same pattern:

  1. Generate random -- but valid -- inputs.
  2. Invoke “know good” program with the inputs; save the outputs.
  3. Invoke “program under test” with the inputs; save the outputs.
  4. Assert the outputs from the previous two steps are equal.

We will do exactly these steps. However, our “know good” program will be the legacy method UpdateQuality (See? This is why we kept it around for a bit longer). Meanwhile, our “program under test” is the new method UpdateItems, which we just reviewed. Let's break it down into pieces. First, we generate inputs.

let `after +N days, UpdateQuality and UpdateItems produce the same results`
    (NonEmptyArray (items : OldItem array))
    (PositiveInt totalDays)

This harkens back to other test code we've discussed. OldItem is simply a type abbreviation for the GildedRose.Item class defined in the legacy code (and “owned” by the goblin in the corner). And we've asked FsCheck to generate a non-empty array of one, or more, instances of said class. We're also generating a whole number in the range of 1 to 2147483647, inclusive. This will be used to “age” the inventory items a random number of days. Next, we arrange the “test oracle”.

    // arrange
    let oldItems =
        for item in items do
          OldItem(Name=item.Name, Quality=item.Quality, SellIn=item.SellIn)
    //NOTE ⮝⮝⮝ fully copy to preserve original -- because mutable
    for _ in 1 .. totalDays do Program.UpdateQuality(oldItems)
    let expected = oldItems |> Seq.sortBy (fun item -> item.Name)

First, on lines 2 through 6, we take a defensive copy of the generated inventory items. Remember: our program methods are mutable operations. The extra copy here ensures we can use the inputs correctly with our “program under test”. This code uses two interesting features of F#: array literals (the [| and |] characters) and sequence expressions. Next, we call UpdateQuality multiple times in succession (line 8). This has the effect of “aging” the inventory items for as many days as we were given input. Finally, on line 9, we sort the fully “aged” items by name. This will be necessary later. Now we can move on to the “program under test”.

    // act
    for _ in 1 .. totalDays do Program.UpdateItems(items)
    let actual = items |> Seq.sortBy (fun item -> item.Name)

Here, we have far less setup. But we follow the same overall approach. All the items are “aged” by calling UpdateItems repeatedly. Then everything is sorted by name. We do NOT need to take a defensive copy, because after this we no longer need the original input values. Thus, it's safe to mutate them.

    // assert
    |> expected
    |> Seq.forall (fun (old, act) ->
        old.Name = act.Name
        && old.Quality = act.Quality
        && old.SellIn = act.SellIn
    |@ $"{NewLine}expected: %A{expected |> (|OldItem|)}"
     + $"{NewLine}actual: %A{actual |> (|OldItem|)}"

Finally, we compare the two sets of “aged” inventory items. Given the two sequences of items, we join them together pairwise, using Having the items sorted by name should ensure the correct pairings. Then we pass over each pair of items asserting that both elements have the same constituent values. Please note, we must compare each item's property individually. The GildedRose.Item is a C# class. As such, it uses reference equality. This is in contrast to many other constructs (records, discriminated unions, et cetera), which use structural equality. An eager reader might ask, "Why not change it to a struct or a record, then?" But we can't... referring back to the original info we were given (emphasis added):

However, do not alter the Item class or Items property as those belong to the goblin in the corner who will insta-rage and one-shot you as he doesn't believe in shared code ownership...

Finally, on the last two lines of the test, we use FsCheck's labelling feature to print a useful diagnostic message (in the event of test failure). For completeness sake, the full code of the oracular test is as follows:

module OracularTests =
  let `after +N days, UpdateQuality and UpdateItems produce the same results`
    (NonEmptyArray (items : OldItem array))
    (PositiveInt totalDays)
    // arrange
    let oldItems =
        for item in items do
          OldItem(Name=item.Name, Quality=item.Quality, SellIn=item.SellIn)
    //NOTE ⮝⮝⮝ fully copy to preserve original -- because mutable
    for _ in 1 .. totalDays do Program.UpdateQuality(oldItems)
    let expected = oldItems |> Seq.sortBy (fun item -> item.Name)

    // act
    for _ in 1 .. totalDays do Program.UpdateItems(items)
    let actual = items |> Seq.sortBy (fun item -> item.Name)

    // assert
    |> expected
    |> Seq.forall (fun (old, act) ->
        old.Name = act.Name
        && old.Quality = act.Quality
        && old.SellIn = act.SellIn
    ) |@ $"{NewLine}expected: %A{expected |> (|OldItem|)}"
       + $"{NewLine}actual: %A{actual |> (|OldItem|)}"


In this blog post we saw how easy it can be to enrich a C# codebase with some useful functionality developed in a separate F# project. Further, we explored a powerful application of property-based testing, which can assist in the sensitive task of modifying brownfield software. As with previous posts in this series, you may find all of the code listed above, plus addition tests and utilities, in the companion repository, in a branch called 3_coalesce.

Hopefully, you'll continue onto the next post in the series, where we'll -- finally! -- get to the stated goal of the Gilded Rose Kata: adding a new kind of inventory item. Also, you are welcome to ask questions and share feedback in the discussion forum for this endeavour.